Via xy7htk descubro que Scott Adams mantém um blog. Direto pros links interessantes e pros Favoritos do meu browser.
No blog ele está azucrinando a vida daqueles que se engajaram na disputa da moda: Evolucionismo versus Intelligent Design. Os três posts dele sobre o assunto estão repletos de ironia e sarcasmo, no melhor estilo Dilbert.
Aparentemente compartilhamos a mesma opinião sobre o assunto:
"I would consider credible anyone who didn't have a preconcieved notion or a financial/career incentive. When you're talking about the cause of life itself, I submit that no one can pass that test (especially people who write books on the topic). That has been my point all along.
It's not enough to understand what the experts tell you. You also need to understand cognitive dissonance to understand how the experts and even you could be completely wrong about something that seems so completely true."