O time de futebol feminino cumpriu o seu papel e fez o que qualquer time formado por jogadoras profissionais deveria fazer ao encarar um time de futebol Sub-20: arrasou. Este tipo de disputa é o que chamamos de brigar com bêbado: se você bate, não fez mais que a sua obrigação; se apanha, é uma vergonha só. O time brasileiro fez seu papel: atropelou e ponto final. Se os EUA resolveram mandar sua equipe Sub-20, as meninas do time brasileiro não têm nada a ver com isso. Mas caindo na real, o verdadeiro bicho papão joga hoje contra o Japão de olho na Copa do Mundo em Setembro.
Algumas palavras das arrogantes yankees após a partida:
“Competing in this Pan Am Games has been a privilege for our players. This is a young team and one cannot beat the experience of playing Brazil in Maracanã Stadium in front of a packed house. Brazil had an exceptional level and style of play that contributed to their great success. We will learn from all of it.”
Técnica Jillian Ellis
“Even though we lost, playing in an environment like this was a chance of a lifetime. It is pretty amazing that we got the chance to play against Brazil in Maracana Stadium. It is one of those rare opportunities that I will remember forever.”
Atacante e capitã Lauren Cheney
“This was an honor to play soccer in a country that loves the game like Brazil does, win silver, and be a part of the Pan Am Games. We are a young team and we will take this tournament for the amazing experience that it was. We battled against Brazil and they were one of the best teams I have ever played against, but we will learn from it. After this tournament we can only go up from here. I know this experience will benefit this team tremendously as they prepare for the U-20 World Cup next year.”
Lauren Cheney
Quem essas peruas yankes pensam que são para demonstrar tamanho respeito e admiração pela equipe brasileira?