01 fevereiro 2006

Capitalistas com C maiúscula!

Ora, ora, ora... Este artigo do Walter Williams mostra o que é ser verdadeiramente Capitalista:

Vocês se lembram disso?

"City of New London officials used the law of eminent domain to condemn the property of 15 homeowners and transfer it to private developers to build a luxury hotel, high-rent condominiums and office buildings. The city justified its actions by saying that taking the property away from the homeowners, and replacing it with a hotel, condos and office buildings, would generate jobs and more tax revenue."

Pois bem, os banqueiros da BB&T responderam assim:

"Stepping up to the plate is Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T), headquartered in Winston-Salem, N.C. BB&T is a full-service bank with 1,100 offices throughout the Southeast. On Jan. 25, BB&T announced that it will not lend to commercial developers that plan to build condominiums, shopping malls and other private projects on land taken from private citizens by government entities using eminent domain. On behalf of its board of directors, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Allison explained, 'The idea that a citizen's property can be taken by the government solely for private use is extremely misguided, in fact, it's just plain wrong.' Mr. Allison added, 'One of the most basic rights of every citizen is to keep what they own. As an institution dedicated to helping our clients achieve economic success and financial security, we won't help any entity or company that would undermine that mission and threaten the hard-earned American dream of property ownership.'"

Alfinetada: se fossem os executivos do Google diriam

"Ora, os prédios já foram desapropriados mesmo, então é melhor que algo de produtivo seja feito."