Mais um belo exemplo de como essas cabecinhas funcionam: a fotógrafa foi contratada pela revista Atlantico para fotografar o candidato McCain. Como ela é uma cidadã consciente, claro que:
But she didn’t bother to do much retouching on her McCain images. “I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad,” she says.
After getting that shot, Greenberg asked McCain to “please come over here” for one more set-up before the 15-minute shoot was over. There, she had a beauty dish with a modeling light set up. “That’s what he thought he was being lit by,” Greenberg says. “But that wasn’t firing.”
What was firing was a strobe positioned below him, which cast the horror movie shadows across his face and on the wall right behind him. “He had no idea he was being lit from below,” Greenberg says. And his handlers didn’t seem to notice it either. “I guess they’re not very sophisticated,” she adds.
A fotógrafa é uma dedicada democrata e odeeeeeeeia o Jorgibuxi (todo mundo que é uma pessoa maravilhosa deve odiar o Jorgibuxi). Vocês acham que ela pensou em recusar a oferta de fotografar o McCain?
Given her strong feelings about John McCain, we asked whether she had any reservations about taking the assignment in the first place.
“I didn’t,” she says. “It’s definitely exciting to shoot someone who is in the limelight like that. I am a pretty hard core Democrat. Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for them [The Atlantic] to hire me.”
Interessante o ponto de vista da anointed, não? Quase um blame-the-victm! Se a revista supôs que ela seria profissional na hora de contratá-la o problema é da revista. Um anointed nunca está errado! Nunca! Ainda mais se tiver muito dinheiro envolvido na jogada.
Aí a baranga começa a perder trabalhos por causa dessa atitude antiética e antiprofissional e depois vem choramingar que está sendo perseguida e boicotada pelos malvados republicanos.